Reviewed first page of application (original)
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Min. 5mn
- Max. 10mn
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- Max. 15mn
popularization of money attachment investigation
Additional information
The computer section distributed in 3 places and each one of them responsible in specific assessing units :-
First computer room responsible on arabic letters (ح , ع مركبة , ر , د , ذ , ز , ث , ه , ط , م , ن , ج , خ , غ , ظ ) .
Second computer room location responsible on arabic letters (أ, ب, ت, و, ي, ف).
Third computer room location responsible on arabic letters ( ع , ك , ل , ص , ض , ق , س ,ش) .
At this step, the applicant (taxpayer) will have five types of investigation by computer section data base which is :-
1- investigation about the taxpayer and spouse if register on system or not.
2- Investigation about the attachment of taxpayer and spouse and their parents.
3- Investigation about the customs data clearance of taxpayer and spouse.
4-investigation about the quotations of taxpayer and spouse.
5-investigation about dollar remittances of taxpayer and spouse.