Trade name registration request form (original)
Audit stamp- premises verification (original)
Request approval letter for BCC membership (original)
Financial efficiency letter - individual (original)
Letter declaring that the entrepreneur is not a civil servant (original)
Residence card (Simple copy)
National ID (Simple copy)
Waiting time in queue:
Max. 5mn
Attention at counter:
Min. 5mn
- Max. 10mn
Trade names system and commercial registration 1985
articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Law of commerce 1984
articles 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 21, 22, 26, 27
Additional information
The applicant should come in person to sign and give a finger print on the request form.
In case the customer wishes to use an innovative trade name for his office/ shop , he must submit an request letter to the chairman of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce ask to register the proposed innovative trade name. the Chamber Director's approval is obtained after confirming that he is not registered to be approved and registered in the commercial register.
The trader is not granted any activity related to general trade / import and export unless a letter provides financial capacity from one of the banks approved by the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) ,the classification of the financial capacity of the trader and its classification (excellent, first, second) is determined according to the amount of the deposit, which ranges between 500 million Iraqi dinars and reaches the limit of one billion Iraqi dinars and its financial transactions during a period of not less than 6 months and may reach one year in some other banks.
The following acts shall be deemed to be commercial if they are for profit, and this intention shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved:
First: Buying or renting money is movable or real estate for sale or rent.
Second: Supply of goods and services.
Third: importation or export of goods and work of import and export offices.
Fourth: Industry and extraction of raw materials.
Fifth: Publishing, printing, photography and advertising.
Sixth: Construction, restoration, demolition and maintenance contracts.
Seventh: Services of tourist offices, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, stadiums and other theaters.
Eighth: Selling at auction shops.
Ninth: Transfer of objects or persons.
Tenth: Shipping, unloading or unloading goods.
Eleventh: The commitment to provide the requirements of concerts and other social events.
Twelfth: Goods are held in public warehouses.
Thirteenth: Banking operations.
Fourteenth: Insurance.
Fifteenth: dealing in shares and bonds of companies.
Sixteenth:Commercial Agency, Agency Commission, Agency Transport, Signaling and other business brokerage.